Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Linotype Machine | 1886 AD

Who is credited with the invention of the typewriter?
-Christopher Sholes

What is a "stenographer"?
-records words that a spoken 

Post an example of Shole's typewriter.
Why did Sholes send a prototype of his typewriter to Clephane?

After the typewriter began production, why did Clephane pursue another machine?
-He wanted to improve it

Who spent a year redesigning Clephane's typesetting machine?

What is meant by "typesetting"?
-one the would bridge the gap between the typewriter and the printed page 

Post an example of Linotype Machine.
How does the Linotype Machine differ from the typewriter?
-typed mechanically rather than by hand

How did this machine change the newspaper industry?
-allowed them to type quicker

Post an example of a Linotype keyboard.
How did the keyboard of the Linotype Machine differ from keyboards that we use today?
-had the same alphabet arrangement twice

Post an example of a Linotype slug.
What is a slug?
-the assembled line of type

Post an example of a person operating a Linotype Machine.
Why is the Linotype Machine the greatest advanced in printing since movable type?
-things are abled to be completed faster 

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